
You must install the RoboDK TwinTool App and have a compatible sensor to perform the automated tool calibration.

Make sure to have the following:

1.One or more robot arms.

2.A compatible dial indicator (also known as LVDT or linear gage).

3.RoboDK software must be installed and an appropriate license for automated robot calibration must be available.

4.You need compatible robot drivers for your robot controller.

5.Install the RoboDK TwinTool App:

a.Download the RoboDK TwinTool App (contact RoboDK for a download link)

b.Double click the file to install the app and open it in RoboDK.

c.  Select ToolsApps and double click on TwinTool to see the TwinTool toolbar and menu.     
If you are unable to see the TwinTool app you should close RoboDK and start RoboDK again with administrator privileges to properly install the app.

Robot Automatic Calibration TwinTool - Image 3

Robot Automatic Calibration TwinTool - Image 4

Robot Automatic Calibration TwinTool - Image 5