Robot calibration setup

It is required to connect the laser tracker and the robot to the computer to automate the procedure of taking measurements. It is also recommended to measure a reference frame through three points in case you move the laser tracker (this step is mandatory if you want to recover the home position for axis 1, see Annex II for more information).

It is required to attach at least one SMR target (three or more is recommended), as shown in the following images.

Robot Calibration LaserTracker - Image 15            Robot Calibration LaserTracker - Image 16

The following subsections must be sequentially accomplished to be ready to start taking measurements.

Connect to the tracker

The IP of the laser tracker is needed to properly set the communication with RoboDK. Follow these steps to verify the communication with the laser tracker:

a.Select the menu « ConnectConnect laser tracker ». A new window should open.

b.Set the IP of the laser tracker.

c.  Click the “Connect” button.

If the connection is successful you should see a green message showing “Ready”. The window can be closed and the connection will remain active.

Robot Calibration LaserTracker - Image 17

Connect to the robot

The IP of the robot (or the COM port number for RS232 connections) is needed to properly set the communication with RoboDK. Follow these steps to verify the communication with the robot:

1.Select ConnectConnect robot. A new window will appear.

2.Set the IP and port of the robot (or the COM port if the connection is through RS232).

3.Click the Connect button.

4.Refer to the appendix if any problems arise.

If the connection is successful, you should see a green message displaying Ready. The position of the virtual robot should exactly match the position of the real robot if you select Get Position. Alternatively, select Move Joints to move the robot to the current position in the simulator. You can close this side window for now and the connection will remain active.

Robot Calibration LaserTracker - Image 18

Measuring the reference targets

It is recommended to measure a calibration reference frame if you are planning to move the laser tracker during the calibration. The calibration reference should be attached to the robot base, this will be helpful if you want to move the tracker during calibration or compare two robot calibrations. The calibration reference frame must be defined by 3 tangible points/nests.

You can skip this step if you are not going to move the tracker with respect to the robot or you don’t need to recover the home position for axis 1. In this case, the reference of the laser tracker will be used.

You should follow these steps every time the laser tracker is moved:

1.Select ConnectConnect Faro Laser Tracker. Or the corresponding tracker you have.

2.Set the IP of the laser tracker and select connect (if laser tracker is not connected).

3.Set the calibration reference and the tracker reference as shown in the image. The calibration reference is also known as “Measurements reference”.

4.Select Set Base targets.

Robot Calibration LaserTracker - Image 19

RoboDK will guide the user with the menus shown in the next image. The position of the laser tracker will be updated automatically with respect to the calibration reference when the procedure is completed.

Robot Calibration LaserTracker - Image 20

Robot Calibration LaserTracker - Image 21Robot Calibration LaserTracker - Image 22Robot Calibration LaserTracker - Image 23