You should enter the Expert user group on the KUKA controller to troubleshoot issues with port 7000.
1.KUKA➔Configuration➔User group➔ choose Expert (password: kuka)
2.KUKA➔Start-up➔Service➔Minimize HMI (the windows screen will appear)
3.Open command shell with START➔All programs➔ Accessories➔Command Prompt
or START➔Run➔cmd
4.Request a list of all connections and listening ports using the command:
netstat -a -b -n -o -p TCP | findstr :7000
5.If the response did not contain any strings, then port 7000 is free and can be used for driver operation. Subsequent steps can be skipped.
6.If the response to the command from step 4 looked like this:
7.The last number in the line above is the process identifier (PID). It can be used to get information about the process name using the following command (you should use your number instead of 1840):
tasklist /fi "PID eq 1840"
8.The result of the tasklist command contains information about the process that is listening on port 7000. Sample output:
Image Name PID Session Name Session# Mem Usage
========================= ======== ================ =========== ============
c3bridge.exe 1840 Console 1 5,912 K
9.If the port is occupied by KukavarProxy.exe or c3bridge.exe processes, then the system is ready to work with the selected driver. If the port is occupied by some other application, it is necessary to terminate it or change the port number for the C3 Bridge Server.