Post Processor behavior

When generating robot programs for KUKA KRC robot controllers you can define the coordinate systems ($BASE) and tools ($TOOL) given the same coordinates you entered in RoboDK or numbered coordinate systems and numbered tools respectively.

By default, RoboDK exports the full pose (XYZABC values) of your tool and coordinate system the same way you entered them in RoboDK. The following code shows an example of what RoboDK generates for a KUKA SRC robot program:

; ---- Setting tool (TCP) ----------

; TOOL_DATA[3]={FRAME: X 116.058,Y 0.0,Z 219.481,A 0.0,B 60.0,C 0.0}

$TOOL = {FRAME: X 116.058,Y 0.0,Z 219.481,A 0.0,B 60.0,C 0.0}


; ----------------------------------


; ---- Setting reference (Base) ----

; BASE_DATA[1]={FRAME: X 640.289,Y -290.0,Z 0.0,A 90.0,B 0.0,C 0.0}

$BASE = {FRAME: X 640.289,Y -290.0,Z 0.0,A 90.0,B 0.0,C 0.0}


; ----------------------------------

On the other hand, if you prefer linking your tool ($TOOL variable) and coordinate system ($BASE variable) to numbered tools and reference frames, you can change the following variables in your post processor:

    FRAME_INDEX: Set this variable to True to link your coordinate system to a numbered base frame. You should make sure your reference frame has a number in your RoboDK station as shown in the following image.

    TOOL_INDEX: Set this variable to True to link your tool to a numbered tool. You should make sure your tool has a number in your RoboDK station as shown in the following image.

Robots KUKA - Image 3